January 30, 2011


how to care for goldfish
1. Fish cooks should require air bubbles will be available aquarium water pump (producer of aquarium air bubbles).
2. If using a variety of aquarium decorations or base (sand or rocks) until the first wash really clean and the water was not cloudy.
3. Give eat 2x a day and not too much (depending on the number of fish held).
4. Drain water aquarium about two weeks (depending on how long the water dirty fast) is for those not on the disposal of aquarium filter. If there are more budget could use a better filter.
5. At the time of draining aquarium before being discharged earlier take about one dipper (bucket) of water in the aquarium. Then take the fish using nets or nets chef (do not use hands).
6. Place the fish in the aquarium water that has been taken in the bailer. Then clean the aquarium can with a brush or sponge cleaning.
7. If so, refill the tank with new water, and then enter the fish cooks along with the water remaining in the scoop is. This is to prevent stress and let the fish cook can quickly adapt again.
8. Repeat the above steps regularly and routinely.

Additional tips : If a power failure and water pump or air bubbles die one solution try reducing the water in an aquarium with so may be able to survive longer.

How to Cook Fish Caring above I get from various sources of reference and my personal experience, is basically the same only a few may suit the needs of goldfish maintenance itself. Hopefully I also do not get bored and tired to keep the fish my goldfish recently. Apparently after enjoyed cool to see it too. Could be fatigue drug optimization suppose Travel Jakarta Bandung day in the company of a pair of tiny goldfish I become more fresh. How to Cook Fish Care May be useful

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