Crop Circle atau fenomena dimana ladang gandum atau sawah membentuk sebuah lingkaran dengan diameter yang lumayan lebar dan membentuk suatu gambar atau geometri yang sangat artistik, bahkan ada juga yang membentuk gambar mahkluk hidup seperti kalajengking, bunga matahari, lebah, dan lainnya. Fenomena Crop Circle ini sering ditemui di negara Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Canada, dan Jepang. Crop Circle pertama kali ditemukan di Inggris pada tahun 1647.Kemunculannya dipublikasikan luas di media massa sejak akhir 1970-an. Fenomena ini kebanyakan muncul secara misterius di malam hari.
Banyak yang mengkaitkan crop circle ini dengan kegiatan spiritual karena rangkaian bentuk geomtri yang terbentuk di ladang pertanian itu. Kemunculan fenomena crop circle ini sering disertai juga dengan pemunculan ufo yang berbentuk bola cahaya. pada Sabtu 22 Januari 2011.
Crop Circle bukan fenomena alam dan bukan jejak UFO. Sebenernya sulit untuk percaya kalo ini perbuatan manusia. Cukup banyak yang beranggapan, bahwa apa yang disebut lingkaran ladang gandum itu tidak lebih dari perbuatan iseng seseorang. Seorang warga Inggris pernah menuturkan kepada media massa, bahwa dia dan beberapa temannya adalah pembuat lingkaran ladang gandum di London, Inggris. Sebelumnya mereka telah mempersiapkan gambar desain, ketika gandum di ladang hampir matang, dengan sebuah paku panjang dipantakkan di ladang gandum, dan paku itu dijadikan sebagai pusatnya, selanjutnya, melingkari permukaan tanah dengan tali, lalu muncullah sebuah lingkaran ladang gandum.
Hal senada diungkap oleh Astronom Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Thomas Djamaluddin. Ia mengatakan tak mungkin crop circle disebabkan UFO. Sebab, "UFO secara sains tidak ada. Tidak ada bukti ilmiah keberadaan UFO. Tidak mungkin crop circle disebabkan UFO karena UFO tidak ada," kata profesor riset itu.
Seorang ilmuwan senior NASA, David Morrison beranggapan bahwa "Crop circle dibuat oleh manusia sebagai lelucon". Kata Morrison, itu adalah pertanyaan yang mudah dijawab. "Karena pelaku aslinya telah mengaku dan menunjukkan bagaimana mereka melakukannya", tambah dia.
Fenomena yang sama di banyak negara, tambah Thomas, membuktikan bahwa crop circle adalah rekayasa buatan. "Tujuannya macam-macam, ada karya seni, komersial, konspirasi pemerintah, dan lain-lain."
Meski kelihatannya pola yang dihasilkan rumit dan susah, nyatanya banyak orang yang membuat itu. "Ada trik-trik tertentu untuk membuat lingkaran, atau garis tertentu."
Artikel ini saya muat berdasarkan informasi dan artikel2 yang pernah saya baca, jika ada berita terbaru boleh2 aja share di sini dengan meninggalkan koment, jadi nggak ada salahnya sekarang kita naik ke atap rumah kita, siapa tahu ada crop circle di sekitar rumah kita atau ada mahluk asing yg membuat crop circle di atas genteng rumah, sekalian benerin genteng bocor he he he
February 3, 2011
This is the phenomenon of the sky or in outer space phenomena that can be seen from across the globe throughout the year 2011
3 to 4 January 2011 - Peak Quadranids meteor shower
Quadranids meteor shower peaks and about 40 meteors can be seen each hour.
January 4, 2011 - partial solar eclipse This eclipse will be seen in several regions of Africa, America and Asia. Check the NASA site for more specific regional information.
3 April 2011 - Opposition Saturn Currently, Saturn will be at the point closest to the earth. This is the best time to capture the planet and a month in the photo.
21 to 22 April 2011 - Meteor Rain Lyrids As many as 20 meteors will be visible in this meteor shower. Although culminated on December 21-22, but the meteor shower can be enjoyed since 16 April 2010.
5 to 6 May 2011 - Eta Aquarids meteor rain Eta Aquarids meteor shower meteor shower is a low level. Starting seen since May 4, 2011, this meteor shower will peak on 5 - May 6, 2011.
June 1, 2011 - partial solar eclipse This time the solar eclipse will be visible in most areas of East Asia, Alaska, and parts of northern Canada and Greenland.
June 15, 2011 - total eclipse of the moon Lunar eclipse will occur in most areas of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Indonesian citizens, including who can view it.
July 1, 2011 - partial solar eclipse. Indeed, there will be another partial solar eclipse. Unfortunately, this solar eclipse can only be witnessed on the coast of Antarctica.
28 to 29 July 2011 - Meteor Rain Southern Delta Aquarids As many as 20 meteors can be seen every hour in the evening peak, 28 to 29 July 2011.
12 to 13 August 2011 - Perseids Meteor Rain This meteor shower is one of the best meteor showers that can be witnessed. About 60 meteors can be seen each hour.
August 22, 2011 - Opposition Neptune Currently, Neptune will reach the position closest to the earth. This is the best time to capture the Neptune, although the planet will usually only appear as a blue dot in space.
25 September 2011 - Opposition Uranus This is when Uranus reached the position closest to the earth. Can be used as an opportunity to mengabadikannya.
21 to 22 October 2011 - Orionids meteor Rain This meteor shower will allow citizens of the earth to see 20 meteors per hour. Other than usual, in 2011, this meteor shower will start to appear from September 20, 2011.
October 29, 2011 - Opposition Jupiter
Currently, Jupiter was in the position closest to the earth. Good opportunity to photograph Jupiter and the planet.
17 to 18 November 2011 - Leonids Meteor Rain As happened this year, the Leonids meteor shower in 2011 will show 40 meteors per hour.
25 November 2011 - partial solar eclipse Also, a solar eclipse will occur again in part. Unfortunately, this can only be seen in the Antarctic.
December 10, 2011 - total eclipse of the moon Eclipse will occur in most of Asia, East Africa, Australia and the Pacific. Indonesia also can watch it.
13 to 14 December 2011 - Rain Geminids meteor In this meteor shower, 60 colorful meteors will be seen per hour. Meteor shower will peak indeed occurred on 13-14, but the meteor shower can already be witnessed since December 6, 2011.
source: Kompas
3 to 4 January 2011 - Peak Quadranids meteor shower
Quadranids meteor shower peaks and about 40 meteors can be seen each hour.
January 4, 2011 - partial solar eclipse This eclipse will be seen in several regions of Africa, America and Asia. Check the NASA site for more specific regional information.
3 April 2011 - Opposition Saturn Currently, Saturn will be at the point closest to the earth. This is the best time to capture the planet and a month in the photo.
21 to 22 April 2011 - Meteor Rain Lyrids As many as 20 meteors will be visible in this meteor shower. Although culminated on December 21-22, but the meteor shower can be enjoyed since 16 April 2010.
5 to 6 May 2011 - Eta Aquarids meteor rain Eta Aquarids meteor shower meteor shower is a low level. Starting seen since May 4, 2011, this meteor shower will peak on 5 - May 6, 2011.
June 1, 2011 - partial solar eclipse This time the solar eclipse will be visible in most areas of East Asia, Alaska, and parts of northern Canada and Greenland.
June 15, 2011 - total eclipse of the moon Lunar eclipse will occur in most areas of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Indonesian citizens, including who can view it.
July 1, 2011 - partial solar eclipse. Indeed, there will be another partial solar eclipse. Unfortunately, this solar eclipse can only be witnessed on the coast of Antarctica.
28 to 29 July 2011 - Meteor Rain Southern Delta Aquarids As many as 20 meteors can be seen every hour in the evening peak, 28 to 29 July 2011.
12 to 13 August 2011 - Perseids Meteor Rain This meteor shower is one of the best meteor showers that can be witnessed. About 60 meteors can be seen each hour.
August 22, 2011 - Opposition Neptune Currently, Neptune will reach the position closest to the earth. This is the best time to capture the Neptune, although the planet will usually only appear as a blue dot in space.
25 September 2011 - Opposition Uranus This is when Uranus reached the position closest to the earth. Can be used as an opportunity to mengabadikannya.
21 to 22 October 2011 - Orionids meteor Rain This meteor shower will allow citizens of the earth to see 20 meteors per hour. Other than usual, in 2011, this meteor shower will start to appear from September 20, 2011.
October 29, 2011 - Opposition Jupiter
Currently, Jupiter was in the position closest to the earth. Good opportunity to photograph Jupiter and the planet.
17 to 18 November 2011 - Leonids Meteor Rain As happened this year, the Leonids meteor shower in 2011 will show 40 meteors per hour.
25 November 2011 - partial solar eclipse Also, a solar eclipse will occur again in part. Unfortunately, this can only be seen in the Antarctic.
December 10, 2011 - total eclipse of the moon Eclipse will occur in most of Asia, East Africa, Australia and the Pacific. Indonesia also can watch it.
13 to 14 December 2011 - Rain Geminids meteor In this meteor shower, 60 colorful meteors will be seen per hour. Meteor shower will peak indeed occurred on 13-14, but the meteor shower can already be witnessed since December 6, 2011.
source: Kompas
February 1, 2011
Cats have been mingled with human life at least since 6000 years BC, from a cat skeleton on the island of Cyprus. Ancient Egyptians from 3500 BC have been using cats to keep rats or other rodents from the barn is saving the harvest. Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cat lineage officially listed as a cat breeds or strains of pure (pure breed), such as Persian, Siamese, Manx, sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in captivity official animal. The number of cat race is only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest is a cat with half-breed such as a wild cat or kitten home. Here are some tips on caring for cats:
Knowing a good cat food We know cats are very happy with the fish. So what matters is to know when to give fish to eat. There are 2 kinds of fish if it is seen as food. First: white fish are fish that have a composition of food substances that are similar to lean meats (containing only 2%). And of course because it is a little fat in the fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K are also disadvantages.
Secondly: the type of fish also lack phosphorus, copper, magnesium and calcium. But the best of both fish it is to have a good protein content.
In my opinion you should not because of raw fish containing thiaminase enzyme. These enzymes can destroy thiamin (vitamin B that is important). But the enzyme thiaminase can be destroyed by heat. So instead we are better to cook the fish first before giving it to cats.
Sanitation cat cage
A good cage healthy and clean will make the cat feel at home there. Make sure the cat box as well as supporting tools such as dining, drinking places, where the dirt is always clean and didesinfikasi periodically. How to clean it as you clean up in general. Whereas if didesinfikasi please use the following trick: Look for clothing bleach containing 0.17% sodium hiplorida (Can ask your retailer or see directly on the packaging)
A good cage healthy and clean will make the cat feel at home there. Make sure the cat box as well as supporting tools such as dining, drinking places, where the dirt is always clean and didesinfikasi periodically. How to clean it as you clean up in general. Whereas if didesinfikasi please use the following trick: Look for clothing bleach containing 0.17% sodium hiplorida (Can ask your retailer or see directly on the packaging)
Environmental Situation
- Maintain the cat must also consider the following:
- Measure the humidity with a hydrometer and looking at a place about 43% to 55%.
- The ideal air-temperature: 21 C to 24 C
- In a cage or cat tempar MUST provide air circulation (ventilation). At least 19 times the turn of the air.
- Maintain the cat must also consider the following:
- Measure the humidity with a hydrometer and looking at a place about 43% to 55%.
- The ideal air-temperature: 21 C to 24 C
- In a cage or cat tempar MUST provide air circulation (ventilation). At least 19 times the turn of the air.
Do not over-Crowded
What is over-Crowded? where in one cage is experiencing excess cats or in other words too many cats who resided there.
Is this dangerous cats like that?
Of course!
Try to imagine with a lot of people are in a narrow place. Well so is the cat. They will stress. If the cat till automatic stress will reduce durability. And also because of its durability automatically dropped he will be vulnerable to disease. Once up to sickness you will definitely know the rest. if not handled properly will result in death. So make sure you watch the cat box above factors
Here are the characteristics of cats are sick:What is over-Crowded? where in one cage is experiencing excess cats or in other words too many cats who resided there.
Is this dangerous cats like that?
Of course!
Try to imagine with a lot of people are in a narrow place. Well so is the cat. They will stress. If the cat till automatic stress will reduce durability. And also because of its durability automatically dropped he will be vulnerable to disease. Once up to sickness you will definitely know the rest. if not handled properly will result in death. So make sure you watch the cat box above factors
1. Fatigue and lethargy
2. Shaking his head excessively
3. Appetite decreased or even increased markedly
4. Also, excessive water consumption
5. The presence of abnormal fluid coming out of the holes in the body imitate a cat's eye, nose, ears, etc..
6. Difficult to remove dirt
7. Weight loss can be increased or decreased by striking
8. Become more aggressive and hyperactive
9. Limp, even difficult to stand
10. There were body parts swell cat
Good cat care articles can help you. And do not forget one important thing in caring for cats that love and patience. Do not be angry if the cats defecate carelessly. Provide a place that there is sand. your cat get used to dispose of there. Do not be angry if your cat claws exist everywhere. It's quite common to show his territory. Provide places to eat and drink the place is always the same. so the cat knows where he will eat. Even if I have to make sure the time eating and drinking is always the same every day. Always take care feathers, do not forget to cut nails, 2 weeks and do not forget always so learn, because knowledge development is so rapid
Dragon fruit (the English call it: pitaya) is the fruit of several cactus species from the genera Hylocereus and Selenicereus. The fruit came from Mexico, Central America and South America but now cultivated in Asian countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, and Malaysia. Fruit can also be found in Okinawa, Israel, northern Australia and southern China. Hylocereus blooms only at night. In 1870 this plant was brought French people of Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. by the Vietnamese and Chinese men is considered a blessing. Therefore, the fruit is always placed between two small green dragon statue above the altar table. The red color of fruit so markedly between the colors green dragons. From this habit of fruit was among the Vietnamese who greatly influenced Chinese culture known as the thang Loy (dragon fruit). Loy Thang, Vietnamese people are then translated in Europe and other countries who speak English as a dragon fruit (dragon fruit).
Dragon fruit commonly cultivated in the garden or in a vast land, it is time for those of you who want to decorate the yard or around your home with exotic dragon fruit, should be listened carefully how, techniques, tips on cultivation and planting or planting dragon fruit in the pot. Why and what the pros the way of techniques, tips on cultivation, planting or planting of dragon fruit in pots she said of course we can set our own preferences, as well as moving the location of the dragon fruit plants. But we also have to know how, techniques, tips, cultivation and planting or planting of dragon fruit in pots for dragon fruit stay productive, efficient and effective
Dragon fruit commonly cultivated in the garden or in a vast land, it is time for those of you who want to decorate the yard or around your home with exotic dragon fruit, should be listened carefully how, techniques, tips on cultivation and planting or planting dragon fruit in the pot. Why and what the pros the way of techniques, tips on cultivation, planting or planting of dragon fruit in pots she said of course we can set our own preferences, as well as moving the location of the dragon fruit plants. But we also have to know how, techniques, tips, cultivation and planting or planting of dragon fruit in pots for dragon fruit stay productive, efficient and effective
Here is how to grow dragon fruit in pots along with step by step
Setting up/looking for an appropriate pot for cultivating dragon fruit in pots
There are different kinds of pots, whatever you want to choose which one, which obviously the bigger the pot is getting better, because the dragon fruit requires a lot of nutrients, so if the pot to a small dragon fruit cultivation, the land that is in the pot for planting / cultivation dragon fruit a bit, so that growth is less than the maximum / dwarf. It should be noted in the Prepare / search for the appropriate pot for cultivating dragon fruit, because the dragon fruit requires a drastic change in temperature from day to night in the flowering process, it must be selected a suitable pot, the pot is the most suitable based on experience are pots made of clay, for example, clay barrel. But if in your area absent or difficult to prepare / find an appropriate pot for cultivating dragon fruit in a clay pot, we recommend use of plastics, eg plastic tub. Terms of the pot, at least 40-50 cm in diameter. Can also be used as a pot drums.
Preparing / making stanchion dragon fruit.
Pole must be strong, that's the main requirement
Preparing / making framework of the dragon fruit. Better is a pile of concrete between 8-10 cm, or can also use wood blocks strong and durable, because the dragon fruit has a long life of 15-20 years. These poles are used to maintain the dragon fruit. To the top of the mast like a tire given a drive motor that serves to prop up the branches of production that much. At the bottom of the pile of concrete / block is given functional foot so it is not easy to shake or collapse.
Preparing / making framework of the dragon fruit. Better is a pile of concrete between 8-10 cm, or can also use wood blocks strong and durable, because the dragon fruit has a long life of 15-20 years. These poles are used to maintain the dragon fruit. To the top of the mast like a tire given a drive motor that serves to prop up the branches of production that much. At the bottom of the pile of concrete / block is given functional foot so it is not easy to shake or collapse.

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